
There are 695 songs and 225 scripture readings (SR)


1. Praise to the Lord 2. All Creatures of Our God and King 3. God Himself Is With Us 4. Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 5. All My Hope on God Is Founded 6. O Worship the Lord 7. The Lord in Zion Reigneth 8. We Gather Together 9. Let All the World in Every Corner Sing 10. Come, Christians, Join to Sing 11. The God of Abraham Praise 12. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee 13. New Songs of Celebration Render 14. Let Us Praise the Name of the Lord 15. My Maker and My King 16. All People That on Earth Do Dwell 17. Lord of All Being, Throned Afar 18. O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright 19. O Sing a New Song to the Lord 20. O Praise Ye the Lord 21. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 22. God Is Our Song 23. Now the Joyful Bells A-Ringing 24. Every Star Shall Sing a Carol 25. Praise the Lord, His Glories Show 26. Praise the Lord! You Heavens Adore Him 27. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart! 28. Praise We the Lord 29. Sing Praise to God 30. Holy God, We Praise Your Name 31. Tell Out, My Soul 32. When in Our Music God Is Glorified 33. Sing a New Song to the Lord 34. Wake the Song 35. With Songs and Honors 36. O Thou in Whose Presence 37. O Sing, My Soul, Your Maker's Praise 38. Arise, My Soul, Arise! 696. I WILL EXTOL THE LORD 697. SHOUT WITH JOY TO GOD, ALL THE EARTH! 698. HOW LOVELY IS THY DWELLING PLACE 699. O COME, LET US SING UNTO THE LORD 700. OH, SING TO THE LORD A NEW SONG 701. SHOUT JOYFULLY TO THE LORD 702. GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD 703. PRAISE THE LORD, YOU THAT ARE HIS SERVANTS 704. IF I LIFT UP MY EYES TO THE HILLS 705. I WILL EXALT YOU, MY GOD THE KING 706. LET HEAVEN PRAISE THE LORD 707. O PRAISE GOD IN HIS HOLY PLACE 708. PRAISE AT GOD'S THRONE


God the Father[edit]

Jesus Christ

Holy Spirit

Holy Scriptures


Christian Church


Early Advent

Christian Life

Christian Home

Sentences and Responses

  • SDAH