799 DO NOT WORRYPsalm 37, Jerusalem.
Do not worry about the wicked,
do not envy those who do wrong.
Quick as the grass they wither,
fading like the green in the field.

Trust in Yahweh and do what is good,
make your home in the land and live in peace;
make Yahweh your only joy and he will give you
what your heart desires.

Commit your fate to Yahweh,
trust in him and he will act:
making your virtue clear as the light,
your integrity as bright as noon.

Be quiet before Yahweh,
and wait patiently for him,
not worrying about men who make their fortunes,
about men who scheme to bring
the poor and needy down.

Enough of anger, leave rage aside,
do not worry, nothing but evil can come of it:
for the wicked will be expelled,
while those who hope in Yahweh
shall have the land for their own.

A little longer, and the wicked will be no more,
search his place well, he will not be there:
but the humble shall have the land for their own
to enjoy untroubled peace.