110  God’s Free Mercy Streameth

God’s free mercy streameth
Over all the world,
And His banner gleameth,
By His church unfurled;
Broad and deep and glorious,
As the heaven above,
Shine in might victorious
His eternal love.
Summer suns are glowing
Over land and sea;
Happy light is flowing,
Bountiful and free;
Everything rejoices
In the mellow rays;
Earth’s ten thousand voices
Swell the psalm of praise.
Lord, upon our blindness
Thy pure radiance pour;
For Thy loving kindness
We would love Thee more;
And when clouds are drifting
Dark across the sky,
Then, the veil uplifting,
Father, be Thou nigh.
We will never doubt Thee,
Tho’ Thou veil Thy light;
Life is dark without Thee,
Death with Thee is bright.
Light of light, shine o’er us
On our pilgrim way,
Go Thou still before us
To the endless day.