753 GOD'S WORDPsalm 119, Jerusalem
How can a youth remain pure?
By behaving as your word prescribes.

I bave sougbt you with all my beart,
do not let me stray from your commandments.

I have treasured your promises in my heart,
since I have no wish to sin against you.

How blessed are you, Yahweb!
Teacb me your statutes!

With my lips I have repeated them,
all these rulings from your own mouth.

In the way of your decrees lies my joy,
a joy beyond all wealth.

I mean to meditate on your precepts
and to concentrate on your paths.

I find my deligbt in your statutes,
I do not forget your word.

Open my eyes: I shall concentrate
on the marvels of your Law.

Now your word is a lamp to my feet,
a light to my path.

As your word unfolds, it gives light,
and the simple understand.

Faithfulness is the essence of your word,
your righteous rulings bold good for ever.

Universal peace for those who love your Law,
no stumbling-blocks for them!