Awesome In This Place
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As I come into Your presence,
Past the gates of praise,
Into Your sanctuary
Till we're standing face to face.
I look upon Your countenance,
I see the fullness of Your grace.
And I can only bow down and say,
You are awesome
You are awesome
In this place, Mighty God.
You are awesome
In this place, Abba Father.
You are worthy of all praise,
To You our lives we raise.
You are awesome
In this place, Mighty God.

As I come into Your presence,
Past the gates of praise,
Into Your sanctuary
Till we're standing face to face.

I look upon Your countenance,
I see the fullness of Your grace.
And I can only bow down and say,
You are awesome

You are awesome
In this place, Mighty God.
You are awesome
In this place, Abba Father.

You are worthy of all praise,
To You our lives we raise.
You are awesome
In this place, Mighty God.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the t-weight: of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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   Dave Billington    
  • SDAH