Holy as Thou, O Lord
4 stanzas with no Refrain
Holy as Thou, O Lord, is none;
Thy holiness is all Thine own:
A drop of that unbounded sea
Is ours a drop derived from Thee.
And when Thy purity we share.
Thy brightest glory, we declare;
And, humbled into nothing, own,
Most holy, pure is God alone.
Sole, self-existing God and Lord,
By all Thy heavenly hosts adored,
Let all on earth bow down to Thee,
And own Thy peerless majesty.
Thy power unequaled we confess.
Established on the rock of peace;
The rock that never shall remove,
The rock of pure, almighty love.

4 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

Holy as Thou, O Lord, is none:
Thy holiness is all Thine own:
A drop of that unbounded sea
Is ours a drop derived from Thee.

And when Thy purity we share.
Thy brightest glory, we declare;
And, humbled into nothing, own,
Most holy, pure is God alone.

Sole, self-existing God and Lord,
By all Thy heavenly hosts adored,
Let all on earth bow down to Thee,
And own Thy peerless majesty.

Thy power unequaled we confess.
Established on the rock of peace;
The rock that never shall remove,
The rock of pure, almighty love.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Charles Wesley Copyright, 1940, by Review & Herald Publishing Assn. Harold A. Miller, 1939   
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