Looking for a City
Refrain   [1]   [2]   [3]  
Looking for city where we'll never die,
There the sainted millions, never say goodbye;
There we'll meet our Savior,
And our loved ones too;
Come, O Holy Spirit, All our hopes renew.
Here among the shadows living in a lonely land,
With strangers we're a band of pilgrims on the move;
Thro' dangers burdened> And we're shunned on every hand,
But we are looking for a city built above.
Here in disappointment often we so sadly roam,
And earthly friends, no longer speak one word of love;
But truly we have found contentment,
Jesus promised us a home,
So we are looking for a city built above.
In this land of dangers we are going here and there,
We're simply trusting in the blessed Savior's love;
And mercy tho' we may be strangers,
Living in this world of care,
We're always looking for a city built above.

Here among the shadows living in a lonely land,
With strangers we're a band of pilgrims on the move;
Thro' dangers burdened down with sorrows,
And we're shunned on every hand,
But we are looking for a city built above.

Looking for city where we'll never die,
There the sainted millions, never say goodbye;
There we'll meet our Savior,
And our loved ones too;
Come, O Holy Spirit, All our hopes renew.

Here in disappointment often we so sadly roam,
And earthly friends, no longer speak one word of love;
But truly we have found contentment,
Jesus promised us a home,
So we are looking for a city built above.

In this land of dangers we are going here and there,
We're simply trusting in the blessed Savior's love;
And mercy tho' we may be strangers,
Living in this world of care,
We're always looking for a city built above.

   W. Oliver Cooper    
  • SDAH