PhilEd. #367
Blessed Lord, How Much I Need Thee
Tagalog 368
4 stanzas with Refrain
Every hour, every hour,
Blessed Lord, how much I need Thee!
Every hour, every hour,
Saviour, keep me every hour.
Blessed Lord, how much I need Thee!
Weak and sinful, poor and blind;
Take my trembling hand and lead me;
Strength and sight in Thee I find.
Clothe me with Thy robe of meekness,
Stained with sin this robe of mine;
Teach me first to feel my weakness,
Then to plead for strength divine.
Safe am I if Thou dost guide me
Trusting self, how soon I fall!
Walk life's rugged way beside me,
Thou, my light, my life, my all.
Then whate'er the future bringeth,
Smiles of joy, or tears of grief,
Still to Thee my spirit clingeth,
Thou art still my soul's relief.

4 stanzas with Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

Blessed Lord, how much I need Thee!
Weak and sinful, poor and blind;
Take my trembling hand and lead me;
Strength and sight in Thee I find.

Every hour, every hour,
Blessed Lord, how much I need Thee!
Every hour, every hour,
Saviour, keep me every hour.

Clothe me with Thy robe of meekness,
Stained with sin this robe of mine;
Teach me first to feel my weakness,
Then to plead for strength divine.

Safe am I if Thou dost guide me
Trusting self, how soon I fall!
Walk life's rugged way beside me,
Thou, my light, my life, my all.

Then whate'er the future bringeth,
Smiles of joy, or tears of grief,
Still to Thee my spirit clingeth,
Thou art still my soul's relief.

   F. E. Belden Copyright, 1886, by F. E. Belden. Used by permission F. E. Belden, 1886   
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