Give Thou Thy Youth To God
OLD 134th (St. Michael) S.M.
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Give thou thy youth to God,
With all its budding love;
Send up the opening heart to Him,
Fix it on things above.
He seeks thy heart, my child;
He wants to make thee blest;
Thy soul with His own joy to fill,
To give thee peace and rest.
Take thou the side of God,
In all things great or small;
So shall He ever take thy side,
And bear thee safe through all.

Give thou thy youth to God,
With all its budding love;
Send up the opening heart to Him,
Fix it on things above.

He seeks thy heart, my child;
He wants to make thee blest;
Thy soul with His own joy to fill,
To give thee peace and rest.

Take thou the side of God,
In all things great or small;
So shall He ever take thy side,
And bear thee safe through all.

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   Horatius Bonar (1808-1889) Adapted from Genevan Psalter, 1551   
  • SDAH