Take My Heart, O Father
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Take my heart, O Father, take it!
Make and keep it all Thine own;
Let Thy Spirit melt and break it,
This proud heart of sin and stone.
Father, make it pure and lowly,
Fond of peace and far from strife;
Turning from the paths unholy,
Of this vain and sinful life.
Ever let Thy grace surround me,
Strengthen me with power divine;
By Thy cords of love that bound me,
Make me to be wholly Thine.
May the blood of Jesus heal me,
And my sins be all forgiven;
Holy Spirit, take and seal me,
Guide me in the path to heaven.

Take my heart, O Father, take it!
Make and keep it all Thine own;
Let Thy Spirit melt and break it,
This proud heart of sin and stone.

Father, make it pure and lowly,
Fond of peace and far from strife;
Turning from the paths unholy,
Of this vain and sinful life.

Ever let Thy grace surround me,
Strengthen me with power divine;
By Thy cords of love that bound me,
Make me to be wholly Thine.

May the blood of Jesus heal me,
And my sins be all forgiven;
Holy Spirit, take and seal me,
Guide me in the path to heaven.

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   Anonymous Lowell Mason (1892-1872)   
  • SDAH