My Gracious Lord, I Own Thy Right
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My gracious Lord. I own Thy right
To every service I can pay.
And cal it my supreme delight
To hear Thy dictates, and obey.
What is my being but for Thee
Its sure support, its noblest end?
'Tis my delight Thy face to see,
And serve the cause of such a Friend.
I would not sigh for worldly joy,
Or to increase my worldly good;
Nor future days nor powers employ
To spread a sounding name abroad.
'Tis to my Saviour I would live
To Him who for my ransom died;
Nor could all worldly honor give
Such bliss as crowns me at His side.
His work my hoary age shall bless
When youthful vigor is no more;
And my last hour of life confess
His saving love. His glorious power.

My gracious Lord. I own Thy right
To every service I can pay.
And cal it my supreme delight
To hear Thy dictates, and obey.

What is my being but for Thee
Its sure support, its noblest end?
'Tis my delight Thy face to see,
And serve the cause of such a Friend.

I would not sigh for worldly joy,
Or to increase my worldly good;
Nor future days nor powers employ
To spread a sounding name abroad.

'Tis to my Saviour I would live
To Him who for my ransom died;
Nor could all worldly honor give
Such bliss as crowns me at His side.

His work my hoary age shall bless
When youthful vigor is no more;
And my last hour of life confess
His saving love. His glorious power.

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   Philip Doddridge Chester G. Allen   
  • SDAH