Bless Thou Our christian homes O Lord
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Bless Thou our christian homes, O Lord,
Come, dwell thyself within,
And keep them by Thy holy Word,
Protect from blighting sin.
Thus, save our homes from inner strife,
May harmony increase;
And grant each home abundant life
And Thine abiding peace.
May Church and christian home combine
To teach Thy perfect way,
With gentleness and love like Thine,
That none shall ever stray.
Let all unworthy aims depart,
Imbue us with Thy grace;
Within the home let every heart
Become Thy dwelling place.
Shine, Light Divine, reveal Thy face
Where darkness else might be.
Grant, Love Divine, in every place
Glad fellowship with Thee.
May steadfast faith and earnest prayer
Keep sacred vows secure;
Build Thou a hallowed dwelling where
True joy and peace endure.

Bless Thou our christian homes, O Lord,
Come, dwell thyself within,
And keep them by Thy holy Word,
Protect from blighting sin.
Thus, save our homes from inner strife,
May harmony increase;
And grant each home abundant life
And Thine abiding peace.

May Church and christian home combine
To teach Thy perfect way,
With gentleness and love like Thine,
That none shall ever stray.
Let all unworthy aims depart,
Imbue us with Thy grace;
Within the home let every heart
Become Thy dwelling place.

Shine, Light Divine, reveal Thy face
Where darkness else might be.
Grant, Love Divine, in every place
Glad fellowship with Thee.
May steadfast faith and earnest prayer
Keep sacred vows secure;
Build Thou a hallowed dwelling where
True joy and peace endure.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the t-weight: of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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   Carlton C. Buck    
  • SDAH