So exalt, lift up on high
The name of Jesus. Magnify,
Come glorify Christ Jesus the King
Majesty, worship His majesty,
Jesus, who died, now glorified,
King of all kings.

Majesty, worship His majesty,
Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise.
Majesty, kingdom, authority
Flow from His throne unto His own,
His anthem raise.

So exalt, lift up on high
The name of Jesus. Magnify,
Come glorify Christ Jesus the King
Majesty, worship His majesty,
Jesus, who died, now glorified,
King of all kings.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Jack Hayford
© 1981 Rocksmith Music. All rights reserved.   
  • SDAH