Blessing and Honor
Blessing and honor, glory and pow'r,
Be unto the Lamb on the throne:
Blessing and honor, glory and pow'r
Are Yours both now and forever,
Jesus, our Savior and Lord.
You are risen King,
Death could not hold You;
Riding in victory
Your kingdom will never end,
Your kingdom will never end.

Blessing and honor, glory and pow'r,
Be unto the Lamb on the throne:
Blessing and honor, glory and pow'r
Are Yours both now and forever,
Jesus, our Savior and Lord.

You are the sacrifice, dying,
You suffered paying the greatest price,
Redeeming us unto God,
Redeeming us unto God.

You are risen King,
Death could not hold You;
Riding in victory
Your kingdom will never end,
Your kingdom will never end.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Jeff Hamlin
© 1987 Integrity's Hosanna! Music. All rights reserved.   
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