On Hills and Vales of Heaven
3 stanzas with no Refrain
On hills and vales of heaven,
Where falls no shade of gloom,
Where all is peace and glory,
Are wondrous flowers in bloom.
But Thou, oh, Thou art fairer
Than any flower that grows,
Our lily of the valley
And Sharon's fadeless rose.

Within the many mansions
Are jewels heavenly fair;
But Thou art far more precious
Than all the treasures there;
Most perfect in Thy beauty
Of all that heaven knows,
Our pearl of price forever,
And Sharon's fadeless rose.

The flowers of earth have perished,
Its glories all have died;
For where all joys were transient
No beauty could abide;
But Thou art ours forever,
Where life's bright river flows,
Our lily of the valley
And Sharon's fadeless rose.

3 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

On hills and vales of heaven,
Where falls no shade of gloom,
Where all is peace and glory,
Are wondrous flowers in bloom.
But Thou, oh, Thou art fairer
Than any flower that grows,
Our lily of the valley
And Sharon's fadeless rose.

Within the many mansions
Are jewels heavenly fair;
But Thou art far more precious
Than all the treasures there;
Most perfect in Thy beauty
Of all that heaven knows,
Our pearl of price forever,
And Sharon's fadeless rose.

The flowers of earth have perished,
Its glories all have died;
For where all joys were transient
No beauty could abide;
But Thou art ours forever,
Where life's bright river flows,
Our lily of the valley
And Sharon's fadeless rose.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Eugene Rowell Copyright, 1940, by Review & Herald Publishing Assn. Stanley Ledington    
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