There Is A Book
5 stanzas with no Refrain
There is a book that all may read.
Which heavenly truth imparts;
And all the lore its scholars need,
Pure eyes ands. May you'learts.
The works of God above, below.
Within us, and around,
Are pages in that book, to show
How God Himself is found.
The glorious sky, embracing all,
Is like the Maker's love,
Wherewith encompassed, great and small,
In peace and order move.
The dew of heaven is like Thy grace;
It steals in silence down;
But where it falls, the favored place
By richest fruits is known.
Thou who hast given me eyes to see,
And love for what is fair,
Give me a heart to find out Thee.
And read Thee everywhere.

5 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

There is a book that all may read.
Which heavenly truth imparts;
And all the lore its scholars need,
Pure eyes ands. May you'learts.

The works of God above, below.
Within us, and around,
Are pages in that book, to show
How God Himself is found.

The glorious sky, embracing all,
Is like the Maker's love,
Wherewith encompassed, great and small,
In peace and order move.

The dew of heaven is like Thy grace;
It steals in silence down;
But where it falls, the favored place
By richest fruits is known.

Thou who hast given me eyes to see,
And love for what is fair,
Give me a heart to find out Thee.
And read Thee everywhere.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   John Keble (1792-1866) Reprinted byspermission of the Faith Press, Ltd.
from "The Tenor Tune Book."
Choir Tune Fa-burden by Geoffrey Shaw
Thomas Tallis (1510-1585   
  • SDAH