We Dedicate This Temple
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We dedicate this temple,
O Father, unto Thee,
The God of ancient ages
And ages yet to be:
That here our hearts may worship
And here our songs ascend
In loving adoration and praise
That knows no end.
We dedicate this temple,
To Christ, the Lord of love,
What bro't God's revelation,
The kingdom from above:sdahymnalcomplete.web.app That we may learn His goodness,
His godliness and grace,
Who holds all men and nations
Within His love's embrace.
We dedicate this temple,
O Spirit from on high,
To Thee, in our thanksgiving
That Thou art always nigh
To comfort us in sorrow,
To strengthen in distress:
That we, thro' truth and mercy,
May walk in holiness.
We dedicate this temple,
This labor of our hands,
To Father, Son, and Spirit,
Whose temple ever stands
In hearts that learn to love
Thee and minds that comprehend,
In wills empowered to witness
Thy kingdom without end!

We dedicate this temple, O Father, unto Thee,
The God of ancient ages and ages yet to be:
That here our hearts may worship and here our songs ascend
In loving adoration and praise that knows no end.

We dedicate this temple, to Christ, the Lord of love,
What bro't God's revelation, the kingdom from above:
That we may learn His goodness, His godliness and grace,
Who holds all men and nations within His love's embrace.

We dedicate this temple, O Spirit from on high,
To Thee, in our thanksgiving that Thou art always nigh
To comfort us in sorrow, to strengthen in distress:
That we, thro' truth and mercy, may walk in holiness.

We dedicate this temple, this labor of our hands,
To Father, Son, and Spirit, whose temple ever stands
In hearts that learn to love thee and minds that comprehend,
In wills empowered to witness thy kingdom without end!

   Ernest K. Emurian    
  • SDAH