Try Jesus
Refrain   [1]   [2]   [3]   [4]  
Try Jesus, He never fails,
O'er evil His love prevails;
In sunshine or stormy gales,
Try Jesus, He never fails.
You have tried the path
O worldly pleasure,
Sought for peace the
World can never give;
O be careful where you
Place your treasure;
You need One to teach you how to live.
Oft your day begins
With seeming gladness; hope is high,
Your heart with joy is light;
Shadows fall and darkness
Brings you sadness;
You need One to banish fears of night.
As you walk alone
In silence, thinking
How you meet with
Failures on the way;
Ere your soul in deep
Despair is sinking;
You need One Whom
Winds and waves obey.
Time is short,
The moments swiftly flying;
Money cannot buy sweet peace within;
You are longing, seeking,
Groping, sighing;
You need One to cleanse
You from your sin.

You have tried the path O worldly pleasure,
Sought for peace the world can never give;
O be careful where you place your treasure;
You need One to teach you how to live.

Try Jesus, He never fails,
O'er evil His love prevails;
In sunshine or stormy gales,
Try Jesus, He never fails.

Oft your day begins with seeming gladness;
Hope is high, your heart with joy is light;
Shadows fall and darkness brings you sadness;
You need One to banish fears of night.

As you walk alone in silence, thinking
How you meet with failures on the way;
Ere your soul in deep despair is sinking;
You need one whom winds and waves obey.

Time is short, the moments swiftly flying;
Money cannot buy sweet peace within;
You are longing, seeking, groping, sighing;
You need One to cleanse You from your sin.

   J. R. Baxter, Jr.    
  • SDAH