To Worship Work and Witness
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To worship, work, and witness,
The good news spread abroad,
We magnify thy mission,
Church of the living God;
The Father's new creation
Thro' Jesus Christ His Son,
The Spirit has empowered
To do as Christ has done.
Be thine thy Master's purpose
To seek and save the lost,
To ransom those in bondage,
To dare not count the cost;
To love and lift the lowly,
To heed the prisoner's groan,
To take up other's burdens
And bear them as thine own.
Be thou to Christ His body,
Hold fast to Christ thysdahymnalcomplete.web.app Be thou Christ's open letter
By all men to be read;
Be thou Christ's holy temple,
Himself the cornerstone;
Be thou Christ's living altar
Whereon His love is shown.
Head of the church, inspire us
To have in us Thy mind,
To humbly wait Thy guidance,
Thy joy in serving find;
Bestow the Spirit's grace gifts
To serve the common good,
While helping each other
To love Thy brotherhood.

To worship, work, and witness, The good news spread abroad,
We magnify thy mission, Church of the living God;
The Father's new creation Thro' Jesus Christ His Son,
The Spirit has empowered To do as Christ has done.

Be thine thy Master's purpose To seek and save the lost,
To ransom those in bondage, To dare not count the cost;
To love and lift the lowly, To heed the prisoner's groan,
To take up other's burdens And bear them as thine own.

Be thou to Christ His body, Hold fast to Christ thy Head;
Be thou Christ's open letter By all men to be read;
Be thou Christ's holy temple, Himself the cornerstone;
Be thou Christ's living altar Whereon His love is shown.

Head of the church, inspire us To have in us Thy mind,
To humbly wait Thy guidance, Thy joy in serving find;
Bestow the Spirit's grace gifts To serve the common good,
While helping each other To love Thy brotherhood.

   Henry Lyle Lambdin    
  • SDAH