A Heart Like Your Heart Lord
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Give me a heart like Your heart,
O Lord, I pray;
A heart that is broken
For one who's gone astray.
Let me never grow calloused
By the things I have seen,
But have a heart of compassion
For a brother in need.
Give me a heart like Your heart,
O Lord, I pray;
A heart ruled by love
For there's no better way.
Let me not remember wrongs
That have come my way,
But have a heart of forgiveness
For another today.

Give me a heart like Your heart,
O Lord, I pray;
A heart that is broken
For one who's gone astray.

Let me never grow calloused
By the things I have seen,
But have a heart of compassion
For a brother in need.

Give me a heart like Your heart,
O Lord, I pray;
A heart ruled by love
For there's no better way.

Let me not remember wrongs
That have come my way,
But have a heart of forgiveness
For another today.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the t-weight: of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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   H. Maurice Lednicky    
  • SDAH