The Regions Beyond
Refrain   [1]   [2]   [3]   [4]  
To the regions beyond, I must go, I must go,
Till the world, all the world,
His salvation shall know.
To the regions beyond I must go, I must go,
Where the story has never been told;
To the millions that never
Have heard of His love,
I must tell the sweet story of old.
Not thinking of comfort or ease;
The world may pronounce me a dreamer, a fool,
Enough if the Master I please.
Oh, ye that are spending
Your leisure and powers,
In pleasure so foolish and fond;
Awake from your selfishness, folly and sin,
And go to the regions beyond.
There are other lost sheep
That the Master must bring,
And they must the message be told;
He sends me to gather them out of all lands,
And welcome them back to His fold.

To the regions beyond I must go, I must go,
Where the story has never been told;
To the millions that never have heard of His love,
I must tell the sweet story of old.

To the regions beyond, I must go, I must go,
Till the world, all the world,
His salvation shall know.

To the hardest of places He calls me to go,
Not thinking of comfort or ease;
The world may pronounce me a dreamer, a fool,
Enough if the Master I please.

Oh, ye that are spending your leisure and powers,
In pleasure so foolish and fond;
Awake from your selfishness, folly and sin,
And go to the regions beyond.

There are other lost sheep that the Master must bring,
And they must the message be told;
He sends me to gather them out of all lands,
And welcome them back to His fold.

   Albert B. Simpson    
  • SDAH