The Message of His Coming
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ladly may we herald the message
Of His blessed appearing;
Soon He's coming in glory,
Tell to one and all;
Then awake, ye saints of the Lord,
Why slumber when the
End is nearing,
But get ready for the final call.
We're looking for His coming,
In the clouds of heaven,
Coming back to earth
To catch away His own;
Then may we all be ready,
When midnight cry is given,
To go and reign with
Christ on His throne.
We're longing for the glory
That awaits the faithful,
Who shall overcome,
And every conflict win;
Press ever bravely onward,
The prize is life eternal,
To all who win the fight over sin.
We're praying for the advent
Of our blessed Savior,
Who has promised life to all
Who trust His grace;
His coming now is pending,
The message being given,
And soon we'll see our
Lord face to face
We see the signs appearing
Of His blessed coming,
Lo, behold the fig leaves now
Becoming green;
The gospel of His kingdom has
Gone to every nation;
That we are near the end
Can be seen.

We're looking for His coming, In the clouds of heaven,
Coming back to earth To catch away His own;
Then may we all be ready, When midnight cry is given,
To go and reign with Christ on His throne.

ladly may we herald the message Of His blessed appearing;
Soon He's coming in glory, Tell to one and all;
Then awake, ye saints of the Lord, Why slumber when the
End is nearing, But get ready for the final call.

We're longing for the glory That awaits the faithful,
Who shall overcome, And every conflict win;
Press ever bravely onward, The prize is life eternal,
To all who win the fight over sin.

We're praying for the advent Of our blessed Savior,
Who has promised life to all Who trust His grace;
His coming now is pending, The message being given,
And soon we'll see our Lord face to face.

We see the signs appearing Of His blessed coming,
Lo, behold the fig leaves now Becoming green;
The gospel of His kingdom has< Gone to every nation;
That we are near the end Can be seen.

   R. E. Winsett    
  • SDAH