The Healer
Refrain   [1]   [2]   [3]  
He was wounded for our transgressions;
He was bruised for our iniquities;
Surely He bore our sorrows,
And by His stripes we are healed.
On the cross crucified,
In great sorrow He died;
The Giver of Life is He.
Yet my Lord was despised
And rejected of men,
This Jesus of Calvary.
Price for healing was paid
As those cruel stripes were made
Within Pilate's judgment hall.
Now His suffering affords
Perfect healing for all;
This wonderful Healer's mine.
He has healed my sick soul,
Made every whit whole,
And He'll do the same for you.
He's the same yesterday
And today and for aye,
This Healer of men today.

On the cross crucified,
In great sorrow He died;
The Giver of Life is He.
Yet my Lord was despised
And rejected of men,
This Jesus of Calvary.

He was wounded for our transgressions;
He was bruised for our iniquities;
Surely He bore our sorrows,
And by His stripes we are healed.

Price for healing was paid
As those cruel stripes were made
Within Pilate's judgment hall.
Now His suffering affords
Perfect healing for all;
This wonderful Healer's mine.

He has healed my sick soul,
Made every whit whole,
And He'll do the same for you.
He's the same yesterday
And today and for aye,
This Healer of men today.

   Lois Irwin    
  • SDAH