The Christ Who Died But Rose Again
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The Christ who died but rose again
Triumphant from the grave,
Now pleads our cause at God's right hand
All powerful to save.
The love of Christ our Lord?
Can persecution, nakedness,
Or peril, or the sword?
The troubles that are ours to bear
Are trials we cannot flee;
Yet He Who loved us from the first
Ensures our victory.
Thus nothing in the heights or depths,
No power earth can afford,
Will separate us from the love
Of Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Christ who died but rose again
Triumphant from the grave,
Now pleads our cause at God's right hand
All powerful to save.

What now can separate us from
The love of Christ our Lord?
Can persecution, nakedness,
Or peril, or the sword?

The troubles that are ours to bear
Are trials we cannot flee;
Yet He Who loved us from the first
Ensures our victory.

Thus nothing in the heights or depths,
No power earth can afford,
Will separate us from the love
Of Jesus Christ our Lord.

   Granton Douglas Hay    
  • SDAH