Sooner or Later
Refrain   [1]   [2]   [3]  
Sooner or later cares will have flown;
Sunshine and gladness we'll see;
Sooner or later God calleth His own,
With Him forever to be.
Sooner or later
The skies will be bright;
Tears will be all wiped away;
Sooner or later, then cometh the light,
Night will be turned into day.
Sooner or later,
Our Lord knows the hour,
He'll send His beloved Son;
Sooner or later,
In His might and power,
Our battles all will be won.
Sooner or later,
Yes, sooner for some,
Darkness will all then be past;
Sooner or later our Savior will come;
With Him will your lot be cast?

Sooner or later the skies will be bright;
Tears will be all wiped away;
Sooner or later, then cometh the light,
Night will be turned into day.

Sooner or later cares will have flown;
Sunshine and gladness we'll see;
Sooner or later God calleth His own,
With Him forever to be.

Sooner or later, our Lord knows the hour,
He'll send His beloved Son;
Sooner or later, in His might and power,
Our battles all will be won.

Sooner or later, yes, sooner for some,
Darkness will all then be past;
Sooner or later our Savior will come;
With Him will your lot be cast?

   Lula W. Koch    
  • SDAH