Praise the Spirit Son and Father
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Praise the Spirit, Son, and Father,
Source of everlasting life.
Joyfully we thank God ever,
granting us eternal life.
God, our Father, Lord of heaven,
Freely giving love and life,
Thro' Your Son come down from heaven;
All may share eternal life.
Jesus Christ, Who came from heaven,
Bringing God's own gift of life,
Thro' Your grace You bring to heaven
All who want your gift of life.
Holy Spirit, Power from heaven,
Giving guidance, grace, and life,
Thro' Your power came down from heaven;
All may find the path of life.

God, our Father, Lord of heaven,
Freely giving love and life,
Thro' Your Son come down from heaven;
All may share eternal life.

Praise the Spirit, Son, and Father,
Source of everlasting life.
Joyfully we thank God ever,
granting us eternal life.

Jesus Christ, Who came from heaven,
Bringing God's own gift of life,
Thro' Your grace You bring to heaven
All who want your gift of life.

Holy Spirit, Power from heaven,
Giving guidance, grace, and life,
Thro' Your power came down from heaven;
All may find the path of life.

   Barclay Newman    
  • SDAH