Our Lord Christ Hath Risen
Refrain   [1]   [2]   [3]   [4]  
O sing, alleluia! O sing alleluia!
O sing, alleluia! be joyful and sing.
Our great foe is baffled;
Christ Jesus is King!
Our Lord Christ hath risen!
The tempter is foiled;
His legions are scattered;
His strongholds are spoiled.
O Death, we defy thee!
A stronger than thou
Hath entered thy palace;
We fear thee not now!
O Sin, thou art vanquished!
The long reign is o'er;
Though still thou dost vex us,
We dread thee no more.
Our Lord Christ hath risen!
Day breaketh at last;
The long night of weeping
Is now well nigh past.

Our Lord Christ hath risen!
The tempter is foiled;
His legions are scattered;
His strongholds are spoiled.

O sing, alleluia! O sing alleluia!
O sing, alleluia! be joyful and sing.
Our great foe is baffled;
Christ Jesus is King!

O Death, we defy thee!
A stronger than thou
Hath entered thy palace;
We fear thee not now!

O Sin, thou art vanquished!
The long reign is o'er;
Though still thou dost vex us,
We dread thee no more.

Our Lord Christ hath risen!
Day breaketh at last;
The long night of weeping
Is now well nigh past.

   William C. Plunket    
  • SDAH