The Sabbath Day Has Reached Its Close
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The Sabbath day has reached its close,
Yet, Saviour, ere I seek repose,
Grant me the peace Thy love bestows;
Smile on my evening hour.
Weary I come to Thee for rest;
Hallow and calm my troubled breast;
Grant me Thy Spirit for my guest;
Smile on my evening hour.
Let not the gospel seed remain
Unfruitful, or be sown in vain;
Let heavenly dews descend like
Smile on my evening hour.
O Jesus, Lord enthroned on high,
Thou hearest the contrite spirit's sigh;
Look down on me with pitying eye;
Smile on my evening hour.
My only intercessor Thou,
Mingle Thy fragrant incense now
With every prayer and every vow;
Smile on my evening hour.
And, oh, when rime's short course shall end,
And death's dark shades around impend,
My God, my everlasting Friend,
Smile on my evening hour.

The Sabbath day has reached its close,
Yet, Saviour, ere I seek repose,
Grant me the peace Thy love bestows;
Smile on my evening hour.

Weary I come to Thee for rest;
Hallow and calm my troubled breast;
Grant me Thy Spirit for my guest;
Smile on my evening hour.

Let not the gospel seed remain
Unfruitful, or be sown in vain;
Let heavenly dews descend like
Smile on my evening hour.

O Jesus, Lord enthroned on high,
Thou hearest the contrite spirit's sigh;
Look down on me with pitying eye;
Smile on my evening hour.

My only intercessor Thou,
Mingle Thy fragrant incense now
With every prayer and every vow;
Smile on my evening hour.

And, oh, when rime's short course shall end,
And death's dark shades around impend,
My God, my everlasting Friend,
Smile on my evening hour.

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   Charlotte Elliot E. J. Hopkins   
  • SDAH