The Sun Rolls Down
4 stanzas with no Refrain
The sun rolls down the distant west,
Soft twilight steals abroad
To welcome in the day of rest,
The Sabbath of the Lord.
This holy day let us begin
With songs of praise to God,
Who pardons all our guilt and sin,
Through Jesus' precious blood.
Now in this tranquil hour we lay
All worldly cares aside,
And hallow God's most holy day
Though friends or foes may chide.
'Tis not to seek the world's applause
That we from labor rest;
We strive to keep God's holy laws,
And He these moments blessed.

4 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

The sun rolls down the distant west,
Soft twilight steals abroad
To welcome in the day of rest,
The Sabbath of the Lord.

This holy day let us begin
With songs of praise to God,
Who pardons all our guilt and sin,
Through Jesus' precious blood.

Now in this tranquil hour we lay
All worldly cares aside,
And hallow God's most holy day
Though friends or foes may chide.

'Tis not to seek the world's applause
That we from labor rest;
We strive to keep God's holy laws,
And He these moments blessed.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Anon. Copyright, 1940, by Review & Herald Publishing Assn. Harold A. Miller, 1939   
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