Lord You Give the Great Commission
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Lord, You give the Great Commission:
Heal the sick and preach the Word.
Lest the Church neglect its mission
And the gospel go unheard,
Help us witness to Your purpose
With renewed integrity.
With the Spirit's gifts empower us
For the work of ministry.
Lord, You call to us Your service;
In My name baptize and teach.
That the world may trussdahymnalcomplete.web.app Life abundant meant for each,
Give us all new fervor,
Draw us closer in community.
With the Spirit's gifts empower us
For the work of ministry.
Lord, You bless with words assuring:
I am with you to the end.
Faith and hope and love restoring,
May we serve as You intend,
And amid the cares that claim us,
Hold in mind eternity.
With the Spirit's gifts empower us
For the work of ministry.

Lord, You give the Great Commission:
Heal the sick and preach the Word.
Lest the Church neglect its mission
And the gospel go unheard,
Help us witness to Your purpose
With renewed integrity.
With the Spirit's gifts empower us
For the work of ministry.

Lord, You call to us Your service;
In My name baptize and teach.
That the world may trust Your promise,
Life abundant meant for each,
Give us all new fervor,
Draw us closer in community.
With the Spirit's gifts empower us
For the work of ministry.

Lord, You bless with words assuring:
I am with you to the end.
Faith and hope and love restoring,
May we serve as You intend,
And amid the cares that claim us,
Hold in mind eternity.
With the Spirit's gifts empower us
For the work of ministry.

   Jeffrey Rowthron    
  • SDAH