Jesus Loves the Children
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Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world;
Little ones are His delight,
They are precious in His sight;
Jesus loves the little
Children of the world.
In the lands beyond the sea
Countless million children be
Who have never heard the gospel story told;
Little ones for whom the Christ
Died and bought them with a price,
Waiting to be gathered in the Savior's fold.
Everywhere we hear their cry,
Come and save us or we die:
Who will haste to these blessed news to tell?
They are precious to the King;
Let us go these lambs to bring
To the gracious arms of Him we love so well.
From the east and from the west
See them thronging to be blest,
Precious jewels to adorn His diadem.
If we thus obey the Lord,
We shall reap a sure reward
When He comes again to gather us, and them.

In the lands beyond the sea
Countless million children be
Who have never heard the gospel story told;
Little ones for whom the Christ
Died and bought them with a price,
Waiting to be gathered in the Savior's fold.

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world;
Little ones are His delight,
They are precious in His sight;
Jesus loves the little
Children of the world.

Everywhere we hear their cry,
Come and save us or we die:
Who will haste to these blessed news to tell?
They are precious to the King;
Let us go these lambs to bring
To the gracious arms of Him we love so well.

From the east and from the west
See them thronging to be blest,
Precious jewels to adorn His diadem.
If we thus obey the Lord,
We shall reap a sure reward
When He comes again to gather us, and them.

   Thoro Harris C. H. Woolston   
  • SDAH