Mourn For The Thousands Slain
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Mourn for the thousands slain,
The youthful and the strong;
Mourn for the wine cup's fearful reign,
And the deluded throng.
Mourn for the lost-but call,
Call to the strong, the free;
Rouse them to shun that dreadful fall,
And to the Refuge flee.
Mourn for the lost-but pray,
Pray to our God above,
To break the fell destroyer's sway,
And show His saving love.

Mourn for the thousands slain,
The youthful and the strong;
Mourn for the wine cup's fearful reign,
And the deluded throng.

Mourn for the lost-but call,
Call to the strong, the free;
Rouse them to shun that dreadful fall,
And to the Refuge flee.

Mourn for the lost-but pray,
Pray to our God above,
To break the fell destroyer's sway,
And show His saving love.

    Lowell Mason, 1832   
  • SDAH