I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Ilocano 283
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I know that my Redeemer lives;
He lives, and on the earth shall stand;
And though to worms my flesh He gives,
My dust lies numbered in His hand.
In this reanimated clay
I surely shall behold Him near,
Shall see Him in the latter day
In all His majesty appear.
With mine and not another's eyes
The King in beauty I shall view;
I shall from Him receive the prize,
The starry crown to victors due.

I know that my Redeemer lives;
He lives, and on the earth shall stand;
And though to worms my flesh He gives,
My dust lies numbered in His hand.

In this reanimated clay
I surely shall behold Him near,
Shall see Him in the latter day
In all His majesty appear.

With mine and not another's eyes
The King in beauty I shall view;
I shall from Him receive the prize,
The starry crown to victors due.

   Anon. Thomas Hastings, 1842   
  • SDAH