O Bow Thine Ear
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O bow Thine ear, Eternal One!
On Thee each heart adoring calls;
To Thee the followers of Thy Son
Have raised, and now devote, these walls.
Here let Thy holy days be kept;
And be this place to worship given,
Like that bright spot where Jacob slept,
The house of God, the gate of heaven.
Here may Thine honor dwell; and here
As incense, let Thy children's prayer,
From contrite hearts and lips sincere,
Rise on the still and holy air.
Here be Thy praise devoutly sung,
Here let Thy truth beam forth to save
As when of old Thy Spirit hung
On wings of light o'er Jordan's wave.

O bow Thine ear, Eternal One!
On Thee each heart adoring calls;
To Thee the followers of Thy Son
Have raised, and now devote, these walls.

Here let Thy holy days be kept;
And be this place to worship given,
Like that bright spot where Jacob slept,
The house of God, the gate of heaven.

Here may Thine honor dwell; and here
As incense, let Thy children's prayer,
From contrite hearts and lips sincere,
Rise on the still and holy air.

Here be Thy praise devoutly sung,
Here let Thy truth beam forth to save
As when of old Thy Spirit hung
On wings of light o'er Jordan's wave,

   Anonymous George F. Handel (1685-1759)   
  • SDAH