I've Anchored In Jesus
Refrain   [1]   [2]   [3]  
I've anchored in Jesus,
The storms of life I'll brave;
I've anchored in Jesus,
I fear no wind or wave;
I've anchored in Jesus,
For He hath power to save;
I've anchored in the Rock of Ages.
Upon life's boundless
Ocean mighty billows roll,
I've fixed my hope in Jesus,
Blest anchor of my soul;
When trials fierce assail me
As storms are gathering o'er,
I rest upon His mercy
And trust Him more.
He keeps my soul from evil
And gives me blessed peace,
His voice hath stilled the waters
And bid their tumult cease;
My Pilot and Deliverer;
To Him I all confide,
For always when I need Him,
He's at my side.
He is my friend and Savior,
In Him my anchor's cast,
He drives away my sorrows
And shields me from the blast;
By faith I'm looking upward
Beyond life's troubled sea,
There I behold a haven prepared for me.

Upon life's boundless
Ocean mighty billows roll,
I've fixed my hope in Jesus,
Blest anchor of my soul;
When trials fierce assail me
As storms are gathering o'er,
I rest upon His mercy
And trust Him more.

I've anchored in Jesus,
The storms of life I'll brave;
I've anchored in Jesus,
I fear no wind or wave;
I've anchored in Jesus,
For He hath power to save;
I've anchored in the Rock of Ages.

He keeps my soul from evil
And gives me blessed peace,
His voice hath stilled the waters
And bid their tumult cease;
My Pilot and Deliverer;
To Him I all confide,
For always when I need Him,
He's at my side.

He is my friend and Savior,
In Him my anchor's cast,
He drives away my sorrows
And shields me from the blast;
By faith I'm looking upward
Beyond life's troubled sea,
There I behold a haven prepared for me.

   Lewis Edgar Jones    
  • SDAH