How Sweet The Light
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How sweet the light of Sabbath eve!
How soft the sunbeams lingering there!
For these blest hours the world I leave,
Wafted on wings of faith and prayer.
Season of rest! the tranquil soul
Feels the sweet calm, and melts in love;
And while these sacred moments roll,
Faith sees a smiling heaven above.
Nor will our days of toil be long;
Our pilgrimage will soon be trod;
And we shall join the ceaseless song,
The endless Sabbath of our God.

How sweet the light of Sabbath eve!
How soft the sunbeams lingering there!
For these blest hours the world I leave,
Wafted on wings of faith and prayer.

Season of rest! the tranquil soul
Feels the sweet calm, and melts in love;
And while these sacred moments roll,
Faith sees a smiling heaven above.

Nor will our days of toil be long;
Our pilgrimage will soon be trod;
And we shall join the ceaseless song,
The endless Sabbath of our God.

   James Edmeston (1791-1867) T. Richard Matthews, 1883   
  • SDAH