Hail, Peaceful Day!
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Hail, peaceful day! divinely blest!
Sweetly thy glories would we sing,
Memorial of that sacred rest,
Of vast creation's mighty King;
This hallowed time to man was given,
A foretaste of the bliss of heaven.
Hark! through the shining courts above
What rapturous praises echo now
Around that holy law of love
Seraphs in adoration bow;
Let earth, responsive to the strain,
Exalt alone Jehovah's name
O come, thou bright, immortal day!
When at His temple all adore,
And own His universal sway
From age to age, forevermore;
Then Zion shall in triumph reign,
And Eden bloom on earth again.

Hail, peaceful day! divinely blest!
Sweetly thy glories would we sing,
Memorial of that sacred rest,
Of vast creation's mighty King;
This hallowed time to man was given,
A foretaste of the bliss of heaven.

Hark! through the shining courts above
What rapturous praises echo now
Around that holy law of love
Seraphs in adoration bow;
Let earth, responsive to the strain,
Exalt alone Jehovah's name

O come, thou bright, immortal day!
When at His temple all adore,
And own His universal sway
From age to age, forevermore;
Then Zion shall in triumph reign,
And Eden bloom on earth again.

   Annie R. Smith Arr. by Lowell Mason   
  • SDAH