Jesus, I Will Follow Thee
Bicol 43,  Ilocano 256
3 stanzas with Refrain
I will follow Thee,
I will follow Thee,
I will follow Thee,
Wherever Thou dost lead.
Jesus, I will follow Thee,
For I hear Thee calling me;
Loving, trusting, glad I come,
To let Thee lead me home.
Little eyes might lose the way,
Little feet might go astray;
I might weak and weary be,
But Thou art strong for me.
Grief and want may be my foes,
Foolish sins my way oppose;
Full of courage I will be,
Whene'er I follow Thee.

3 stanzas with Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

Jesus, I will follow Thee,
For I hear Thee calling me;
Loving, trusting, glad I come,
To let Thee lead me home.

I will follow Thee,
I will follow Thee,
I will follow Thee,
Wherever Thou dost lead.

Little eyes might lose the way,
Little feet might go astray;
I might weak and weary be,
But Thou art strong for me.

Grief and want may be my foes,
Foolish sins my way oppose;
Full of courage I will be,
Whene'er I follow Thee.

   Grace Glenn By permission. Copyright, 1880, by Fillmore Brothers J. H. Rosecrans   
  • SDAH