My Jesus, As Thou Wilt
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My Jesus, as Thou wilt;
O may Thy will be mine!
Into Thy hand of love
I would my all resign.
Through sorrow or through joy,
Conduct me as Thine own,
And help me still to say,
"My Lord, Thy will be done."

My Jesus, as Thou wilt;
Though seen through many a tear,
Let not my star of hope
Grow dim or disappear,
Since Thou on earth hast wept
And sorrowed oft alone,
If I must weep with Thee,
"My Lord, Thy will be done."

My Jesus, as Thou wilt;
All shall be well for me;
Each changing future scene
I gladly trust with Thee.
Straight to my home above,
I travel calmly on,
And sing in life or death,
"My Lord, Thy will be done."

My Jesus, as Thou wilt; O may Thy will be mine!
Into Thy hand of love I would my all resign.
Through sorrow or through joy, Conduct me as Thine own,
And help me still to say, "My Lord, Thy will be done,"

My Jesus, as Thou wilt; Though seen through many a tear,
Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear,
Since Thou on earth hast wept And sorrowed oft alone,
If I must weep with Thee, "My Lord, Thy will be done."

My Jesus, as Thou wilt; All shall be well for me;
Each changing future scene I gladly trust with Thee.
Straight to my home above, I travel calmly on,
And sing in life or death, "My Lord, Thy will be done,"

   B. Schmoikee, c. 1704
   Tr. by Jane L. Borthwick, 1854
Arr. from the overture to Carl M. von Weber's   
"Der Freischutz," 1821, by Joseph P. Holbrook, 1862   
  • SDAH