Unshaken As The Sacred Hills
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Unshaken as the sacred hills,
And fixed as mountains stand,
Firm as a rock the soul shall rest
That trusts th' Almighty hand.
Not walls nor hills could guard so well
Fair Salem's happy ground
As those eternal arms of love
That every saint surround.
Do good, O Lord, do good to those
Who cleave to Thee in heart,
Who on Thy truth alone repose,
Nor from Thy law depart.

Unshaken as the sacred hills,
And fixed as mountains stand,
Firm as a rock the soul shall rest
That trusts th' Almighty hand.

Not walls nor hills could guard so well
Fair Salem's happy ground
As those eternal arms of love
That every saint surround.

Do good, O Lord, do good to those
Who cleave to Thee in heart,
Who on Thy truth alone repose,
Nor from Thy law depart.

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   Isaac Watts, 1707 Scottish Psalter, 1615   
  • SDAH