name="des, Dost Thou See
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name="des, dost thou see them
On the holy ground,
How the powers of darkness
Rage thy steps around?
name="des, up and smite them,
Counting gain but loss,
In the strength God giveth,
Soldier of the cross!

name="des, dost thou feel them,
How they work within,
Striving, tempting, luring,
Goading into sin?
name="des, never tremble;
Never be downcast;
Gird thee for the battle.
Watch and pray and fast.

name="des, dost thou hear them,
How they speak thee fair?
"Always fast and vigil?
Always watch and prayer?"
name="des, answer boldly,
"While I breathe I pray!"
Peace shall follow battle,
Night shall end in day.

Hear the words of Jesus:
"O My servant true;
Thou art very weary
I was weary too;
But that toil shall make thee
Someday all Mine own.
And the end of sorrow
Shall be near My throne." Amen.

name="des, dost thou see them on the holy ground,
How the powers of darkness rage thy steps around?
name="des, up and smite them, counting gain but loss,
In the strength God giveth, soldier of the cross!

name="des, dost thou feel them, how they work within,
Striving, tempting, luring, goading into sin?
name="des, never tremble; never be downcast;
Gird thee for the battle. watch and pray and fast.

name="des, dost thou hear them, how they speak thee fair?
"Always fast and vigil? always watch and prayer?"
name="des, answer boldly, "While I breathe I pray!"
Peace shall follow battle, night shall end in day.

Hear the words of Jesus: "O My servant true;
Thou art very weary I was weary too;
But that toil shall make thee someday all Mine own.
And the end of sorrow shall be near My throne." Amen.

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   Tr. from an unknown Greek source by John M. Neale, 1862, Alt. John B. Dykes,1868   
  • SDAH