O Thou, To Whose All-Searching Sight
Refrain  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4] 
O Thou, to whose all-searching sight
The darkness shineth as the light;
Search, prove my heart, it yearns for Thee;
O burst these bonds, and set it free!
If in this darksome wild I stray, be
Thou my light, be Thou my way;
No foes, no violence I fear,
No fraud, while Thou, my God, art near.
When rising floods my soul o'erflow,
When sinks my heart in waves of woe,
Jesus, Thy timely aid impart,
And raise my head, and cheer my heart.
Saviour, where'er Thy steps I see,
Dauntless, untired, I follow Thee;
O let Thy hand support me still,
And lead me to Thy holy hill!

O Thou, to whose all-searching sight
The darkness shineth as the light;
Search, prove my heart, it yearns for Thee;
O burst these bonds, and set it free!

If in this darksome wild I stray, be
Thou my light, be Thou my way;
No foes, no violence I fear,
No fraud, while Thou, my God, art near.

When rising floods my soul o'erflow,
When sinks my heart in waves of woe,
Jesus, Thy timely aid impart,
And raise my head, and cheer my heart.

Saviour, where'er Thy steps I see,
Dauntless, untired, I follow Thee;
O let Thy hand support me still,
And lead me to Thy holy hill!

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   Nicolaus L. Zinzendorf (1700-1760)
   Tr. by John Wesley (1703-1791)
John E. Gould, 1840   
  • SDAH