The Time Is Near
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The time is near when Zion's sons,
With rapturous joy shall sing the song
Foretold by seers-anointed ones:
We have a city great and strong.
We have a city great and strong.
Open, ye gates! The glorious King
Approaches with a holy throng;
Open, ye gates! Saints, angels, sing
On golden harps the victor's song!
On golden harps the victor's song!
O righteous nation! enter in,
That kept the Jaw of truth below,
Enter the place, all free from sin,
Where life's pure waters gently flow.
Where life's pure waters gently flow.
Within these walls shall they remain,
Who trusted, mighty Lord! in Thee.
Death, their last enemy, is slain;
They have a right to life's fair tree.
They have a right to life's fair tree.

The time is near when Zion's sons,
With rapturous joy shall sing the song
Foretold by seers-anointed ones:
We have a city great and strong.
We have a city great and strong.

Open, ye gates! The glorious King
Approaches with a holy throng;
Open, ye gates! Saints, angels, sing
On golden harps the victor's song!
On golden harps the victor's song!

O righteous nation! enter in,
That kept the Jaw of truth below,
Enter the place, all free from sin,
Where life's pure waters gently flow.
Where life's pure waters gently flow.

Within these walls shall they remain,
Who trusted, mighty Lord! in Thee.
Death, their last enemy, is slain;
They have a right to life's fair tree.
They have a right to life's fair tree.

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   R. F. Cottrell Lowell Mason (1792-1872)   
  • SDAH