Awake! Jerusalem, Awake
4 stanzas with no Refrain
Awake! Jerusalem, awake!
No longer in thy sins lie down;
The garment of salvation take,
Thy beauty and thy strength put on.
Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight,
And hides the promise from thine eyes:
Arise, and struggle into light:
The great Deliverer calls, Arise!
Shake off the bands of sad despair;
Zion, assert thy liberty:
Look up, thy broken heart prepare.
And God shall set the captive free.
Vessels of mercy, sons of grace,
Be purged from every sinful slain;
Be like your Lord, His word embrace,
Nor bear His hallowed name in vain.

4 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

Awake! Jerusalem, awake!
No longer in thy sins lie down;
The garment of salvation take,
Thy beauty and thy strength put on.

Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight,
And hides the promise from thine eyes:
Arise, and struggle into light:
The great Deliverer calls, Arise!

Shake off the bands of sad despair;
Zion, assert thy liberty:
Look up, thy broken heart prepare.
And God shall set the captive free.

Vessels of mercy, sons of grace,
Be purged from every sinful slain;
Be like your Lord, His word embrace,
Nor bear His hallowed name in vain.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Charles Wesley (1707-1788) Copyright, 1886, by Edwin Barnes Edwin Barnes, 1886   
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