I Give My Heart To Thee
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I give my heart to Thee,
O Jesus most desired;
And heart for heart the gift shall be,
For Thou my soul hast fired.
Thou hearts alone wouldst move,
Thou only hearts dost love;
I would love Thee as Thou lovest me,
O Jesus most desired.
What offering can I make,
Dear Lord, to love like Thine
That Thou, the Word, didst stoop to take
A human form like mine?
Thy heart is opened wide,
Its offered love most free,
That heart to heart I may abide,
And hide myself in Thee.
Ah, how Thy love doth burn,
Till I that love return!
I would love Thee as Thou lovest me,
O Jesus most desired.

I give my heart to Thee,
O Jesus most desired;
And heart for heart the gift shall be,
For Thou my soul hast fired.

Thou hearts alone wouldst move,
Thou only hearts dost love;
I would love Thee as Thou lovest me,
O Jesus most desired.

What offering can I make,
Dear Lord, to love like Thine
That Thou, the Word, didst stoop to take
A human form like mine?

Thy heart is opened wide,
Its offered love most free,
That heart to heart I may abide,
And hide myself in Thee.

Ah, how Thy love doth burn,
Till I that love return!
I would love Thee as Thou lovest me,
O Jesus most desired.

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   Ray Palmer Abr. from the Genevan Psalter, 1543   
  • SDAH