There Lives A Voice Within Me
Refrain  [1]  [2]  [3] 
This world is full of beauty
That points the soul above,
And if we did our duty,
It might be full of love.
There lives a voice within me,
Guest angel of my heart,
Whose whisperings strive to win me
To act a noble part.
Up evermore it springeth
Like some sweet melody,
And evermore it singeth
This song of songs to me:
The leaf tongues of the forest,
The flower lips of the sod,
The birds that hymn their raptures
Up to the throne of God;
The summer wind that bringeth
Joy over land and sea,
Have each a voice that singeth
This song of songs to me:
O voice of God most tender,
O voice of God divine,
Still be my heart's defender
Till every thought is Thine;
My soul in gladness bringeth
Its songs of praise to Thee,
While all around me singeth
This song of songs to me:

There lives a voice within me,
Guest angel of my heart,
Whose whisperings strive to win me
To act a noble part.
Up evermore it springeth
Like some sweet melody,
And evermore it singeth
This song of songs to me:

This world is full of beauty
That points the soul above,
And if we did our duty,
It might be full of love.

The leaf tongues of the forest,
The flower lips of the sod,
The birds that hymn their raptures
Up to the throne of God;
The summer wind that bringeth
Joy over land and sea,
Have each a voice that singeth
This song of songs to me:

O voice of God most tender,
O voice of God divine,
Still be my heart's defender
Till every thought is Thine;
My soul in gladness bringeth
Its songs of praise to Thee,
While all around me singeth
This song of songs to me:

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   G. Massey Berthold Tours, 1872   
  • SDAH