He's the Lord of Glory
Refrain  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4] 
He's the Lord of Glory,
He is the great I Am;
He's the Alpha and Omega,
The beginning and the end.
His name is Wonderful,
The Prince of Peace is He;
The Everlasting Father
Throughout eternity.
Behold what manner of man is this
Who stands between God and man?
His eyes are as a flame of fire;
His fan is in His hand.
John saw Him in the seven churches
As the sun in brilliancy;
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?
Behold what manner of man is this
Who sits upon His heavenly throne?
He rules and reigns from heaven above,
His beloved and His own.
He's the lion of the tribe of Judah,
The root of David is He;
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?
Behold what manner of man is this
Who spoke to the woman at the well,
"Everlasting life I'll give to thee
Far richer than man can tell.
And whosoever shall drink of the well
Shall live eternally;"
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?
Behold what manner of man is this
Who speaks to the maimed and halt?
He says, "Thy sins be forgiven thee;
Take up thy bed and walk."
He stands as the mighty Healer,
And He cries, "Look unto me."
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?

Behold what manner of man is this
Who stands between God and man?
His eyes are as a flame of fire;
His fan is in His hand.
John saw Him in the seven churches
As the sun in brilliancy;
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?

He's the Lord of Glory,
He is the great I Am;
He's the Alpha and Omega,
The beginning and the end.
His name is Wonderful,
The Prince of Peace is He;
The Everlasting Father
Throughout eternity.

Behold what manner of man is this
Who sits upon His heavenly throne?
He rules and reigns from heaven above,
His beloved and His own.
He's the lion of the tribe of Judah,
The root of David is He;
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?

Behold what manner of man is this
Who spoke to the woman at the well,
"Everlasting life I'll give to thee
Far richer than man can tell.
And whosoever shall drink of the well
Shall live eternally;"
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?

Behold what manner of man is this
Who speaks to the maimed and halt?
He says, "Thy sins be forgiven thee;
Take up thy bed and walk."
He stands as the mighty Healer,
And He cries, "Look unto me."
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the t-weight: of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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   Phyllis G. Spiers    
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