O Could Our Thoughts
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O could our thoughts and wishes fly,
Above these gloomy shades,
To those bright worlds beyond the sky,
Where sorrow ne'er invades!
There, joys unseen by mortal eyes,
Or reason's feeble ray.
In ever-blooming prospect rise,
Exposed to no decay.
Lord, send a beam of light divine,
To guide our upward aim;
With one reviving look of Thine,
Our languid hearts inflame.
O then, on faith's sublimest wing,
Our ardent souls shall rise
To those bright scenes wheretion of Cs spring
Immortal in the skies.

O could our thoughts and wishes fly,
Above these gloomy shades,
To those bright worlds beyond the sky,
Where sorrow ne'er invades!

There, joys unseen by mortal eyes,
Or reason's feeble ray.
In ever-blooming prospect rise,
Exposed to no decay.

Lord, send a beam of light divine,
To guide our upward aim;
With one reviving look of Thine,
Our languid hearts inflame.

O then, on faith's sublimest wing,
Our ardent souls shall rise
To those bright scenes wheretion of Cs spring
Immortal in the skies.

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   Anne Steele (1716-1778) English   
  • SDAH