Low At Thy Pierced Feet
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Low at Thy pierced feet, Saviour of all,
Helpless and sorrowful prostrate I fall.
O cast me not away, Forgive my sin this day,
Forgive my sin, All, all my sin.
Sinful my life hath been, Unclean, unclean;
All my iniquity Thine eye hath seen;
Cleanse Thou my soul today, wash all my sins away
In Thine own blood, In Thine own blood.
By all Thy grief and pain, Forgive me now;
Before Thy cross in shame lowly I bow.
Lord, let that blood of Thine wash now this soul of mine;
Wash Thou my soul, Wash Thou my soul.
Thou didst for me endure dread Calvary;
Sin's punishment and shame All, all for me.
On Thee my guilt was laid, By Thee my debt was paid,
To set me free, To set me free.
Lord, I accept Thee now, Accept Thou me;
I have delayed too long and grieved Thee.
By all Thy love to me, I give myself to Thee;
Make me Thine own, All, all Thine own.

Low at Thy pierced feet, Saviour of all,
Helpless and sorrowful prostrate I fall.
O cast me not away, Forgive my sin this day,
Forgive my sin, All, all my sin.

Sinful my life hath been, Unclean, unclean;
All my iniquity Thine eye hath seen;
Cleanse Thou my soul today, wash all my sins away
In Thine own blood, In Thine own blood.

By all Thy grief and pain, Forgive me now;
Before Thy cross in shame lowly I bow.
Lord, let that blood of Thine wash now this soul of mine;
Wash Thou my soul, Wash Thou my soul.

Thou didst for me endure dread Calvary;
Sin's punishment and shame All, all for me.
On Thee my guilt was laid, By Thee my debt was paid,
To set me free, To set me free.

Lord, I accept Thee now, Accept Thou me;
I have delayed too long and grieved Thee.
By all Thy love to me, I give myself to Thee;
Make me Thine own, All, all Thine own.

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   James Stephens J. S. Mitchell   
  • SDAH