He Has Surely Borne Our Sorrow
Refrain  [1]  [2]  [3] 
He has surely borne our sorrow;
He has taken the sin debt away.
He was bruised for our transgressions,
And by His stripes
We are healed today.
Once on a cross
There hung in sorrow
One who was willing
To die for our sins;
God's only Son,
Sent down from heaven,
Came to redeem all men.
See on His brow
The scars the thorns made;
See where the spear
Was thrust in His side;
See in His hands
Where nails were driven.
Oh, how He suffered and died!
There is no death,
For He has risen;
Death and the grave
Have been conquered at last;
And this I know
We shall be like Him
In His own glory at last.

Once on a cross there hung in sorrow
One who was willing to die for our sins;
God's only Son, sent down from heaven,
Came to redeem all men.

He has surely borne our sorrow;
He has taken the sin debt away.
He was bruised for our transgressions,
And by His stripes we are healed today.

See on His brow the scars the thorns made;
See where the spear was thrust in His side;
See in His hands where nails were driven.
Oh, how He suffered and died!

There is no death, for He has risen;
Death and the grave have been conquered at last;
And this I know we shall be like Him
In His own glory at last.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the t-weight: of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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